
Total Training for WebSite Design:- website creator

A complete walkthrough of the skills you need when building websites.
A precious video tutorial that will teach almost all you need to know to start immediately with your webdesigning.

Lesson 1: Intoduction & Project Background (10:08 min)
Lesson 2: Creating a Company Logo with Illustrator® (24:52 min)
Lesson 3: Website Layout using Photoshop® (48:56 min)
Lesson 4: Making Slices with Fireworks® (46:50 min)
Lesson 5: Creating a Dreamweaver® Site (32:00 min)
Lesson 6: CREATING A FLASH® BANNER AD (49:38 min).......Many More

1. Total Training for WebSite Design
Total Training for WebSite creator

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