
How to Reinstalling and formatting operating system

Make a list of things you will be installing after reinstallation is over. Here is QUICK LIST

  • Antivirus and Spywares
  • Browsers and addons.
  • Office Suites
  • Media Players and updates.
  • Rest of the things.

It gives you an idea of general things , You can change the list according to your need

#1 Backing up files

If you have a habit of saving
all the files in My Documents, This is your first step. Check out all
possible folders like My Pictures, My Music and copy whichever is
required to some other folder. You will loose data as they are in same
drive where you will install the OS.

#2 Saving your configuration and profile files

most of the software's the facility to backup profiles or software
configuration is present. Now in case you are going to install the
software after re installation, You ,must do it so that you don't loose
your optimized settings and save time.

#3 Saving all your download folders and files

default all softwares and settings are made to save files somewhere in
C directory. Now lets say you downloaded a complete setup of itunes
which is around 50 MB and saved in C:\download, If you don't back it up
you will have to re download that which will be ultimate waste of time.

So in case you have any thing like this save it.

#4 Re think on Partition Size.

lets say You have re installed as you don't have much space left and
You decided to reinstall everything and install only the required once
to save space. Since you are going to re install its a better idea to
increase the size of you partition . You might need some professional
help or somebody who knows how to do this, but it will help you in long

#5 Note down things you need to install after this

Now since we have backed up everything and its ready to go . This one step you must follow.

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